Wednesday, October 3, 2018


As I mentioned in my earlier blog post, every goal needs planning to be achieved. I also touched upon three different types of plans that I will rely on, but I will go into further details about these plans in this post.

Strategic Plan:
My strategic plan is to graduate in May 2021 with a job in Computer Science lined up
As I talked about earlier, strategic plans are the long-term plans to assist with the overall goal.

Tactical Plan:
Tactical plans are made to help execute the major strategic plans and they generally accomplish a branch of the strategic plan. In organizations, this is like a sub-team setting goals for within their own branch of a handful of people, but having these goals play a bigger role in the overall achievement of the big goal of the organization. Applying this to my own life, I can set academic tactical plans for myself such as enrolling in all of the necessary courses for me to graduate on time with my degree, or keeping my GPA above a 3.5 to ensure that I can land a job with a company that has a mission that I am genuinely interested in. Looking at other branches of my life, such as networking, I can set other tactical plans such as building a strong LinkedIn profile and following, or establishing and maintaining good relationships with my professors.

Operational Plan:
Operational plans are used to achieve operational goals, which are usually smaller and more precise, as well as easily measurable. (Daft & Marcic, p. 166) In the organizational world, these plans are used by managers to give specific departments or individuals goals of their own to achieve, which will in turn help to accomplish the overall company goal. An operational goal I have for myself includes spending at least an hour a day practicing my coding skills. I believe this is easily measurable and by setting this for myself, I will feel more assured in my ability of being able to achieve my long-term goal.

- Sayuz

Daft, Richard L. Management. 9th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018.

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